Posts Tagged ‘Contemporary feel good romances’

Writing Groups - A Valuable Resource

I attended a meeting of our local chapter of Romance Writers of New Zealand and it was sobering to realize that I am now a senior member of our local group and RWNZ too - not quite the oldest, but not far off - but you won’t hear me say that out loud.  Our Coast […]

Lazy Days of Summer Sale

Sale Bonanza … 45+ Free & $0.99 Books Do you need to fill your Kindle with romances to make the bookworm in you swoon this summer? If your plans include lazing poolside or on the sand at the beach with books that’ll heat you up, sizzle your skin, and melt your heart, we have news for […]

The Year in Review

Looking Back It is at this time of the year that we as humans, tend to look back at the past year and assess the highs and lows. This is especially so for me as I celebrate yet another birthday on Boxing Day (26th) December. A few days before last Christmas I received a rejection letter from a […]

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