Another month and another milestone passed. I've been writing every day and and my W IP is no longer in progress.
It is finished, polished and after another week of settling, ready to go out to a wider audience.
Another goal set and one more to accomplish.
I have set myself the task this week of writing a query letter that will knock both an editor's and agent's socks off.
I know I can do it. And I'm sure if I keep repeating that mantra often enough I will believe it. Oh yea of little faith...I can just hear the scoffing words. But my crisis of confidence is due to the return of my entry into an International Competition.
Talk about coming back to earth with a thud! Am I glad I read the convener's comments first. All Judging, she said was subjective.
Judge one loved it and is eagerly awaiting seeing my submission in print.
Judge two though my heroine schizophrenic and my hero a jerk. Ouch!
Judge three though my work needed a careful edit. Well that was a fair comment.
Heaven knows what the lowest scoring judge thought. I'm probably better off not knowing.
After I'd come back up from the dismals and re-read all the comments I could see the positive points. So after picking my drooping jaw off the carpet I set to work. One comment stuck in my mind as I worked. I'd dug my hero into a very big hole that would be difficult to climb out of. So I gave him a good telling off, made him mind his manners and play nice.
And he co-operated. As for my schizophrenic heroine. I made her stop and think what she wanted to achieve. Then insisted she tone down the histrionics (and mind her manners) and what do you know she co-operated as well.
I've spent a grueling time editing the whole manuscript line by line, highlighter and ball pen at the ready. My outdoor swing seat, a perfect retreat, now has a curious lime green highlighter rash on the cushions.
So all in all, the competition did help my writing and that after all Possums, (to quote Dame Edna) is the overall aim of entering.